Thursday, November 19, 2009

Great American Smokeout

The American Cancer Society is encouraging smokers to stop using cigarettes on November 19, 2009, in hopes they will quit forever as part of the annual Great American Smokeout.

University of Illinois Springfield Recreational Sports is hoping students, faculty, and staff members who smoke will join the pledge to stop. The UIS Human Resources Department, Health Services, and the Counseling Center all offer cessation programs that can help.

UIS Assistant Director of Recreational Sports Amanda Jillson says even if you’ve been smoking for years, stopping now can save your life.

“As soon as you quite smoking, it reduces your blood pressure. Within 12 hours you have additional physiological responses in your body and the process just keeps going,” said Jillson.

Jillson says cigarettes are so addictive because of the drug nicotine, which is naturally found in tobacco. She says it’s as addictive as heroin or cocaine.

The keys to kicking the habit are making the decision to quit, setting a quit date and choosing a quit plan, dealing with withdrawal, and doing maintenance to make sure you “stay quit”.

For more information on smoking cessation programs contact Amanda Jillson at 217/206-8400 or


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